• Triplet Tales

    Your Birth Story. A Letter to my Children

    My dearest Liam, Luka and Violet, One month ago, you entered this world just shy of thirty weeks gestational age. Today you would be 34 weeks if you were still inside me, but on Thursday, May 27th, 2021, it was your turn to enter this world and change the lives of your dad and I for the better forever. We had been checking my blood pressure twice daily since our appointments at both doctors on the Thursday the week before you were born. I had very mild signs that I might be developing preeclampsia and so we were were making sure my blood pressure didn’t get too high, making sure…

  • Triplet Tales

    What’s in a Name (or Names)

    I can honestly say I never in my life expected that I would have to choose names for three babies at once. Three little lives who will be defined by the monikers we choose to assign them. No pressure right? I mean sure, I’m female, seeing that positive pregnancy test wasn’t the first moment in my life where I thought about what I would name my unborn child. I distinctly remember a phase, probably somewhere around the 5th or 6th grade, when all little girls start thinking about boys, and families, when I decided I was having twin girls one day, and they would be named Veronica and Victoria. I…