• MFM/OB Appointments,  Pregnancy

    MFM & OB Appt Update 5.20.21 – 28.5 Weeks

    I’m backtracking here because it’s been a whirlwind and there just wasn’t time before. So to catch you up…We saw our OB and MFM on Thursday, May 20th. With back to back appointments, we hauled our laptops with us and worked in the hospital lobby between visits instead of going home in between. My OB appt was up first. They just did a quick sono to check heartbeats and we got a couple of pics because they knew the MFM would be doing a much more detailed scan that afternoon. My blood pressure was a little high that day and they found a trace amount of protein in my urine.…

  • MFM/OB Appointments,  Pregnancy

    MFM & OB Update 5.6.21 & 5.7.21 – 26.5 Weeks

    A little late in posting this but it’s been getting tougher now to get things done. I am more and more uncomfortable each day as I near the size of someone who is full term with one baby. And pregnancy brain is most definitely a real thing! Last week we saw the OB on Thursday and then the MFM on Friday so I’m combining these into one post as they were relatively short visits in the grand scheme of our appointment types. At the OB I had my glucose screening, so I got to drink a lovely bottle of something that tasted like extra sweet, slightly flat orange Fanta. It…

  • MFM/OB Appointments,  Pregnancy

    MFM Appointment 4.15.21 – 23.5 Weeks

    I’m a bit late in posting this but we had our fourth visit with the MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) doctor last Thursday. It was a fairly long visit – they did full measurements for each baby and then a fetal echo on each baby as well. For the measurements, they measure certain body parts – the head, the belly, the femur, and I think a couple other smaller parts of the brain. They combine all the measurements together to determine each baby’s weight and overall size. Last week all three babies weighed the same, 1lb 3 oz. They fell into the 15th, 16th and 17th percentile for overall growth. It…

  • MFM/OB Appointments,  Pregnancy

    OB Appt Update 4.7.21 – 22.5 Weeks

    Today we visited the OB for another relatively quick visit. But it was the best sonogram yet, because Andres was able to capture video of a precious moment when Baby A (Liam) yawned! I’ve included it below. Otherwise it was a pretty uneventful scan – the babies all had heartbeats in the 140’s and they all looked bigger. They didn’t do any measurements on the babies since we go back to the MFM next Thursday for a lengthy and detailed scan. They did measure my cervix again and it was 5 cm so that was great news, it’s even a bit longer than last week. Baby A (Liam) was head…

  • MFM/OB Appointments,  Pregnancy

    MFM Appt Update 3.30.21 – 21.5 Weeks

    Yesterday we went in for our third visit with the Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist. This was a slightly shorter visit than the last two as they didn’t do quite as many measurements this time around. They checked everyone’s heartbeats and they all measured somewhere in the 140’s to 150’s, which is great. They each got a good once over to check their amniotic fluid, body position (all head down yesterday) and just a few other overall wellness checks. Everyone was super wiggly yesterday so it was a little harder for them to grab photos, especially of Baby Boy C. He was also hiding his face a lot. It’s always incredibly…